Avengers: Age of Ultron
(23,160 votes)

Avengers: Age of Ultron


The Avengers are back in town, but their latest mission in Sokovia has some unintended consequences. When Loki's scepter is put into the hands of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, they decide to distill a program designed to maintain global peace, known as Ultron, so it will protect the world — and themselves. Ultron determines that humanity is in fact the problem, and sets about creating havoc with an army of robotic warriors. In the meantime, the Maximoff twin-siblings, Pietro and Wanda, are brought into the fray, both possessing unique powers and their own vendetta. With visions of ruin haunting the team, alliances form and fray, as they race against time to thwart Ultron’s grand design: a calamity that might extinguish humanity.


Avengers: Age of Ultron
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