Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
(19,690 votes)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

2 hr 33 min


The dark shadow of Lord Voldemort is growing closer and risks damaging not just wizards, but Muggles, too. Bridges fall, Diagon Alley shakes, and havoc rains. With Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts comes new challenges: Professor Slughorn steps in to teach Potions, Snape finally sees his long-held dream of a post in Defense Against the Dark Arts finally come to fruition, and Harry discovers a book full of notes from a student who called himself the “Half-Blood Prince.” But behind the stirring potions and deepening rivalries, a dark scheme is in motion. Draco Malfoy, now a Death Eater, deals with a deadly quest, and we get an unbreakable vow Snape makes to protect him. Peril increases, feelings swirl—Ron’s complicated love life, Hermione’s jealousy, Harry’s crush on Ginny. Dumbledore and Harry learn about the key to Voldemort’s immortality, and disaster strikes and shakes Hogwarts to its foundation. A final showdown looms, and Harry will have to decide if he is prepared to go up against the darkness alone.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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