(19,717 votes)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter’s fifth year is rife with chaos, as the wizarding world refuses to believe that Voldemort has returned. Expelled for using magic to save a life, Harry must contend with a Ministry hell-bent on silencing him and a new professor at Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge, who occupies the castle’s highest office, ruling it with an iron hand. Harry and his friends start a Dumbledore’s Army in secret, training to meet this rising threat, defying her oppressive regime. With dark dreams connecting him to Voldemort’s evil schemes, Harry’s bravery and loyalty are tested to the brink. A climax battle at the Ministry brings the truth to light and lays the groundwork for an epic showdown against evil.

Movie Details
Released (08/07/2007)
Original language
Box office
Production companies